Samantha Skye.: Not Too Comfortable Doing This

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Not Too Comfortable Doing This

But it is time for me to post my weight goals. And to do that, I have to post up what I currently weigh. And I really don't want to, because I'm embarrassed by it. But at the same time, I'm making a lifestyle change, so these numbers should slowly but surely be changing. Right? Right.

Here goes nothing.

Tales Of A Twenty Something

As uncomfortable as I am posting this stuff because of my own insecurities, I'm really glad that Allie does this every week. It only helps with motivation. And Lord knows I need all that I can get. 

Current Weight: 237lbs
Goal Weight: 135lbs
Pounds to Lose: 102lbs

I had originally thought that I had only gained ten pounds since starting my new job, but I also hadn't weighed myself in a while, and once I did the other day I realized that I had actually put on twenty pounds. So that only fueled my fire more and I'm starting to push myself into this healthy way of living. I'm trying to eat better, while not being a total health nut. But I'm paying more attention to food labels and such. 

And so I shall leave you with that. Have a great night and see y'all tomorrow for LDLW!


  1. I had a really hard time weighing myself and posting my starting weight, but then I realized, you gotta start somewhere right? right! so stick with it and you'll be where you want to be in no time!

    xoxo, Amanda

    1. Thanks Amanda! I'm hoping that by posting that, it will push my butt into making sure the next time I weight myself, I can put a different number down. And preferrably one that's lower :P
