Samantha Skye.: Weekly Wishes

Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekly Wishes

Happy Monday darlings! I hope your weekend was a great one!

Mine was a little up and down. But whenever I spend a weekend with my mom, that's how it goes. We went to the mall on Saturday and that was all good. On Sunday there was family drama but hey, gotta love 'em. The funny thing was that on Saturday at the mall, I only spent money on food. But later that day we went to WalMart and I spent.. way too much. We're just not going to talk about it, okay? Okay.


So today I found another link up to do with other blogs and I'm excited! I'm linking up with Mel from The Nectar Collective to do this coolio thing called weekly wishes. So here we go:

The Nectar Collective
1. Find new ways to show my wonderful boyfriend just how much I love him! This one is kind of a given, but I'm going to make it a goal to start coming up with new stuff. I'm that kind of girl who likes to do silly little projects and write love letters and go all out for him. I haven't done anything like that in a while!
2. Get to the gym every day this week. I was all geared up and ready to do this last week, but I had that car problem and I only got there on Monday. Well now my car is fixed and I'm going to do it! I need to stay committed to this stuff or I'm never going to get anywhere.
3. Start working out a solid plan for moving. Dan and I are starting to talk about our future and talking about me moving out there, but I don't have any sort of budget worked out or anything. And I want to get out there as soon as I can. So I want to sit down and work out an actual budget so I can get a rough timeline of how this is going to work out.
4. Read a book! This might not seem like a big one, but I went from reading 1-2 books a week to... zilch. I haven't picked up a book in so long, and I'm craving it. So this week, I think I should grab a book and just read it. It'd be better than watching TV when I get home until I go to bed, like I've been doing lately. Although, I would looove to watch Mean Girls soon. I've been making one too many references lately.

So those are my goals for this week! I better get them done now, or I'm going to feel like a total failure if I don't. How embarrassing. I need to come up with some other blog ideas, but that's nothing new.
So anywho, I hope you all have a fantastic Monday!


  1. Welcome to the linkup! I only started two weeks ago so I'm new to it too. A tip for reading books: Read for thirty minutes before you go to bed. Before you start reading, get ready for bed and turn off all electronics. I do that every night and it works and I can usually get a book read pretty fast. :)

  2. Welcome to Weekly Wishes. Good luck with your goals this week. Maybe you can read at the gym? I read while on the treadmill, but that only works if your balance is good...

  3. Thanks so much! I've tried doing it on the elliptical but it didn't work out so well for me! I'll have to try doing it before bed, that's a really good idea! And maybe if I do some of the spinning stuff at the gym I can bring my book with. Thanks guys :)

  4. Good Luck! I recently did a scavenger hunt for my Hubby's 31st birthday. It was fun. I hid 31 gifts around the house (most were cheap/small) and made up clues for him to find the next gift. He really enjoyed it.

  5. reading a book is a good one and i think i may try that tonight. we shall see. LOL im bout to go link up mine
