Samantha Skye.: Why Tumblr Annoys Me

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Why Tumblr Annoys Me

Hello and happy Thursday peeps! I wasn't planning on writing anything today, but then I hopped on the ol' internet and started perusing Tumblr, my other blog, and it annoyed me to the point where I decided to make a whole post about it here.

For those of you who don't know, Tumblr is this amazing place where people go to share their thoughts and feelings and reblog a bunch of awesome crap that really just passes time. My blog (which can be found by clicking right here) consists of quotes, relationship stuff, LDR stuff, movie lines and gifs and really anything I find funny or inspirational or really just anything I feel like sharing. I don't make it a political place, or anything like that, but I follow some blogs that do from time to time. And as I'm on here, I'm starting to realize that Tumblr isn't as great as people make it out to be.

For example, Tumblr is often referred to as a place where everyone can go to feel accepted and not be judged by others. It's supposed to be a welcoming place where people go to escape bullying and the like. The way people talk about it, it sounds like this website should be farting out rainbows and glitter.

I'm here to tell you that this is a crock of bullshit.

I am a republican/conservative. I am a Christian, and quite religious. I am pro-life and my opinion on gay rights is a little in the middle. And apparently this is a problem on Tumblr. For every good picture/quote/gif/etc. you find on Tumblr, there are a million bad ones. Everyone on there talks about how you shouldn't be ashamed to be who you are, how you shouldn't be afraid to do your own thing and to stand up for what you believe in. Which sounds good, right?

What they don't tell you is that it only applies to people who are democrat/liberal, are pro-abortion, are gay/lesbian, are not religious. I have seen more ridicule against people like myself, and it makes me sick. Seriously, I have never seen anything more hypocritical! And it makes me so mad. If people are going to go out there and talk about how you shouldn't be afraid to express yourself and your beliefs, why in the hell are they ripping down people who do that?

If there is a space where people are supposed to go to forget about all the judgment going on in the world, why would you bring that there? I have seen more rips on republicans, more people throwing facts out there about how abortion is okay, more anti-God posts than anywhere else. It's very disheartening and disappointing.

Don't get me wrong, I love Tumblr. I've had some of the best laughs on there and I follow some awesome blogs in the LDR community on there that help me with this long distance deal. But to see this kind of hatred for anyone not conforming to the ways of this new society, it makes me second guess being a part of it.

I didn't mean to make this post so terribly long, and I hope I didn't steer too many people away from checking it out. I just hoped that I could make some of you think.

1 comment:

  1. Who cares what others think. I am against abortion and believe that only men and women should marry. despite having 2 guy gay cousins! And I think we need a new president. But that's not gonna keep me from tumblr. that's where you find Gifs as well as google too. Never be ashamed of what you believe in and never let others get to you due to that.
