Samantha Skye.: The Bristol Renaissance Faire

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Bristol Renaissance Faire

This was probably one of the most amazing and awesome places I have ever been to. I know it doesn't look like much from the picture, but once you get past the gate, a whole world of awesome was waiting. 

As you guys know, Dan came to surprise me last weekend, like the best boyfriend that he is. On Sunday, my mom decided that she was going to take all of us (me, Dan, and my sisters) down to the Renaissance Faire, because we had never been there before and it's something I always wanted to experience. 

It was so much cooler than I had ever imagined it to be! It really was like walking into a new world. If it weren't for the people in regular modern day clothes, I would have thought that it was really the 1500's. 

There were tons of little shops selling all different kinds of Medieval things. Jewelry, swords and other weapons, clothing, the whole deal. My inner fangirl was going crazy. They were selling food that was popular back then, like huge turkey legs. Dan and I shared one, and holy cow! It was huge! 

I feel like the worst blogger in the world because I was so busy taking in all of the wonderful things that I kept forgetting to take pictures. 

They had different kinds of shows going on, too. For example, we watched two guys, Dirk and Guido, do a sword fight. They threw in comedy and had every body laughing. If you want to check them out, head over here. 

Dan also bought me this beautiful chain maille bracelet from one of the shops.

We found a pattern we really liked and then they handmade me a bracelet using the colors I picked out. I used sapphire and silver, and it turned out gorgeous. To check out more of their work, you can check them out right over here. 

I hope I get to go back next year, I just read on the website that costume rentals are available and I would absolutely love to dress up! 

For more information, and more pictures, of the Renaissance Faire, you can check out there website by clicking right here!


  1. Too bad you didn't take any pictures! I'd love to go to a medieval or renaissance or similar fair some time but I never get the opportunity. The closest I've been was a friend's wedding that was medieval style.

    1. I know! After I got home and realized that I only took like 2, I was so upset! Hopefully next summer I can post a whole bunch of pictures for you though :)
